Shahida Anwar Welfare Foundation (SAWF) is a non-political and non-profitable private voluntary welfare organization. The diverse festivity of six seasons of Bengal and its natural diversity have given Bengali culture a unique glory. Folk artisans, folk poets, folk philosophers, folk artists living in the rural area of this country have played a key role in keeping the cultural heritage of Bengal alive for generations. Taking this into consideration, the organization will conduct activities with the people of the society.
As Bengali has a past history to boast of hundreds of thousands of years; There is also a diverse cultural heritage. Among the cultural traditions, rituals and lifestyles, numerous examples of Bengal’s non-communal spirit, humanity and human values can be found. But as the globalization process intensified, many of the cultural traditions of Bengal were gradually disappearing as a result of rapid social changes and incredible advances in science and technology; As a result of this extinction, future generations are losing the opportunity to learn about the glorious cultural history of this country. Therefore, by highlighting the importance of the bearers of these traditions, well-planned initiatives should be taken to preserve their traditional knowledge and creative work. The new generation can play a role in the field of culture alongside the folk society with the promise of building a country with non-sectarian and humanistic values so that the folk artisans and folk artists of different groups of the marginal society can do creative work in the development of traditional materials according to the contemporary tastes and needs while protecting their own traditions and identities. – Run this effort.